Friday, June 1, 2007

Directly contacted, indirectly charged.

June 2nd, 2007

PPP direct is the new, direct way to be sponsored and paid to blog.

It works this way:

“simply drop the appropriate HTML snippet into your blog template. Advertisers that come across your blog and love what you do can then click on the image in your blog and create an opportunity just for you.”

Since long they are talking about the Internet destroying the role and figure of the “middlemen”.
People can DIRECTLY contact the customers and avoid useless charges.
But Ted Murphy, the genius of the new kind of Internet Advertising, knows better.
He knows the way to let people directly contact the customers and STILL needing the middlemen.
Companies can directly sponsor blogs and bloggers they like and approve.

“We believe PayPerPost Direct is a great addition to the marketplace and is going to generate a wealth of fantastic high quality content out there, so why not get started today. “
In other words: we believe that the future is an advertiser directly contacting the marketing guy, so we’d better think before.
This is strategy and good forecast.
Besides, it is not a new model on the paid blogging advertisement, but it is undoubtely the cheaper.
10% charges (of which 5% are expenses), instead of 30% and more of other companies.
I do not know if you are a real genius, but I think money invested on you is well invested money, Ted.

Think and you’ll have the problem of disposal of ideas…

Wind, Water, Fire it doesn’t matter, as long as it works…

June 2nd, 2007

“Would the USA be a better place if we could run Wal-Mart and Las Vegas on wind power? I don’t think so. Would the public benefit from another hundred years of suburban living — and an economy based largely on creating ever more of it? All the Prozac in the universe would not avail to offset the diminishing returns of that bullshit.”
Jim Kunstler

Well, you could have an answer to this question from the millions working for Wal-Mart or managing and getting revenues from Las Vegas Casinos and the rest…
May be they would like to try with wind, or rain, or fire or whatever.
As you say, the right answer is: The Statu Quo.
The only right solution would be being able to create a parallel world where everybody can have the same or possibly more with something else whatever it is…
With a full stomach the world looks more shining…

Think and you’ll have the problem of disposal of ideas…

Mouse’s freedom

June 2nd, 2007

“The biggest innovation in the advertising industry during the last 70 years before digital was color TV,” says Ajaz Ahmed, chairman and co-founder of independent digital marketing agency AKQA. “The agency of the future will be half a software company and half an entertainment company because that’s the new landscape.”


Since we assume the Web will be the major advertisement hosting of the future, the way it is delivered has to change.
On TV you catch the audience with content and mix it with commercials, and the audience is kind of passive.
On the Net the offer of content as “channels” is huge compared to TV because open to ALL (thanks to availability and price, competition is harder and monopoly, thanks God, almost impossible.(at least for now)
In this environment the customers have a big weapon: freedom of choice, and freedom of mouse.
Difficult to catch them in the usual way.
Advertisement HAS to be the Entertainment, something almost like subliminal ad.
Advertisement HAS to be the subject and an alluring subject too.
Advertisement has to catch and keep, at least enough to show and talk about.

But once you caught your audience your power is going to be 1000 times greater than on TV.
In one move you present, you show, you convince and YOU SELL.
Thanks to interactivity of course.
Harder to reach, but mostly gratifying…

Think and you’ll have the problem of disposal of ideas…

Spice up your Skype talk with fix8

June 2nd, 2007

FCC is Seeking Comment on Enhanced 911

June 2nd, 2007

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