Sunday, June 17, 2007

Asterisk New releases, 1.2.19 and 1.4.5 are ready for download!

June 17th, 2007

The Asterisk Appliance is on it’s way! Book yours at Digium now!

June 16th, 2007

PC Help Desk Service….Residential and Business IT Support Solutions

June 16th, 2007

You know it’s going to happen….it’s only a matter of time.

What is “it”?

Could be anything….the “blue screen of death”, a virus attack, software that won’t work right, server shutdown, network problems, patch install needs…you name “it” you’re bound to experience “it”.

Besides the problem itself you also face the anxiety and expense of getting “it” fixed. Waiting is not an option. You need the problem resolved NOW….residential or business your PC is an integral part of your day.

Well now you can relax. You don’t need an extra dose of high blood pressure medicine…. or to take out a loan.

What you need is a proactive/preventive maintenance and help desk service that takes care of your issues before they happen….for desktop, server, and software….and quickly fixes those that crop up out of the blue. You also deserve that service to fit your budget….not cost you an arm and a leg.

You’re in luck….here it is:

PC Helpdesk Service

Enhanced Communications INC provides live PC and Laptop telephone and remote support (24/7/365), remote management and anti-virus and anti-spyware software for the Professional Consumer - Small Office/Home Office (SOHO), and comprehensive support for Small, Medium and Large business networks.

The service covers such items as Anti-virus and Spyware software, scan, and removal….preventative maintenance, patch management, software and sript deployment, asset reporting, server availability checks, server monitoring, server pack updates, server health check and analysis, 24/7/365 live telephone support via their help desk, and much more.

Plus…..this service is being offered at the phenomenal price of $39.00 per month per PC with a one time set-up fee of $39. Compared to other services, this is an incredibly low price! Not to mention that this type of service is generally only available to the small business with at least 5 computers to support.

This type of service is perfect for professionals that depend on their computers. Accountants, lawyers, sales people, and just about anyone that uses their computer for work need the peace of mind Enhanced Communications INC will provide. No matter what size your business….1 person self-employed or large company….this service is a god send.


OMTP IMS requirements - killing the “bearer agnostic” myth

June 14th, 2007

I got a chance to wade through the OMTP’s new IMS handset requirements document in full, on a flight yesterday. There’s some good stuff - and some less good stuff in there.

Best of all is that it wants to make handset applications “bearer aware”. I’ve been banging on about this for as long as I can remember. The notion that advanced handset apps on highly-intelligent devices should be ignorant of what network is being used as transport is ludicrous.

Finally, some standardisation for IMS handsets

June 13th, 2007

Almost exactly a year ago, I published a report on the severe problems involved in getting IMS-capable mobile phones to market. At the time, I’d been tracking the area for around 18 months - it was blindingly obvious that the 3GPP and other standards bodies had effectively abdicated all responsibility for actually making sure IMS actually worked on handsets in the hands of the user. Yes, the basic plumbing like SIP signalling was standardised. But there were dozens of companies trying to develop their own, proprietary software and UI frameworks for IMS, usually with a bunch of in-house applications.

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